1006.0 - Forward Work Program, 2014-15 to 2017-18  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 12/11/2014   
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The Industry Statistics Program provides information about the structure, financial operations, performance and production of Australian industries. The information is used to monitor the economy and the business cycle, and support the compilation of the Australian National Accounts and Environmental Economic Accounts.

The program consists of annual economy wide financial statistics from a collection program composed of core and flexible elements that cover the entire economy over a ten year period (in response to specifically identified needs), modelling and analytical work.

The main clients include: the Treasury; the Reserve Bank of Australia; the Productivity Commission; the Department of Industry; the Department of the Environment; Geoscience Australia; the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences; the Bureau of Meteorology; state and territory agencies; industry organisations and associations; and financial and academic institutions.

As the program outputs are a key input to the Australian National Accounts and Environmental Economic Accounts, they are widely used for economic monitoring and forecasting.


The main outputs of the program are:

  • the annual publication Australian Industry (cat. no. 8155.0) - provides national estimates of income; expenses; wages and salaries; operating profit before tax; industry value added; operating businesses; employment; and selected business performance measures at industry division and subdivision levels.

Other outputs include statistical data releases for Australian industry such as:
  • information about Australia’s mineral production based on data from state and territory authorities
  • additional detail on the industries covered in the 2012–13 survey program - Retail and Wholesale Industries, Australia (cat. no. 8622.0).


The main medium-term developments in the program are to:
  • release Australian Industry outputs for 2013–14 - due May 2015
  • extend the depth and quality of industry statistics through business taxation and other administrative data, synthetic estimation and/or modelling techniques - ongoing.


Michael Beahan
Assistant Statistician
Industry & Productivity Statistics Branch


Program costs